嘉兴社会事业 人民生活
  来源:      日期:2004-08-23 19:04





Jiaxing is a city of culture with developed science and technology. Many famous talents come from here. In recent years, the social projects of science, education, culture and health have developed quite greatly. All the cities and counties have entered into the advance level of science and technology.

In 2002, the city won 125 technology aware of state and provincial level. The 9-year’s compulsory education has been practiced and the educational level is increasing while the higher education is developing fast. The construction of Jiaxing Institute and Jiaxing Vocational and Technological Institute has been completed and they began to enroll students. There are 17500 students in universities and colleges. The culture is becoming more and more prosperous and there are abundant festival activities. After the utilization of Radio and TV center, newspaper center, Jiaxing theatre, library, exhibition hall and other culture facilities is on the way of completion.

The health service network has extended to communities, and there are 16 community health service centers and 96 community health service stations. The rural cooperative medical treatment has been cemented. The rate of initial insurance is 100% at the county level. The medical capacities are 1.66 doctors and 2.88 beds per thousand people.

市政中心  City Administrative Center
超市  Supermarket
学校  School
文化活动 Culture activity


  嘉兴城乡居民收入持续增长,生活质量明显改善,总体水平乡宽裕兴小康迈进。2002年城镇居民人均可支配收入11500元,农村居民人均纯收入5532 元。全市居民人均储蓄存款余额为13130元,城镇和农村居民恩格尔系数分别为37.9%和38.9%,人居环境不断改善,健康水平逐年提高,人均期望寿命达到75.4岁。

The resident income of cities and towns are increasing stably and their living standard has been improved tremendously. Thus, the overall level is moving forward to a rich well of society. In 2002, the personal spentable average income was 11500 yuan; the peasant personal average net income is 5532 yuan; the city’s personal average bank saving balance is 13130 yuan; the Engel Quotiety is 37.9% and 38.9% respectively for city and township residents; the living condition and the health of residents are improving; the personal average expected age is 75.4.

彩壁描就新生活 Children’s wall painting

优越的居住条件  Superior living condition
古运河新姿  The new appearance of  ancient grand cannel

繁华商业街 Prosperous business mall
Summon up all the courage and energy ,Jiaxing has prosperous future

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