  来源:      日期:2004-08-18 14:48











  创新是一个企业青春长驻的根本,“做别人没有做过的事情”更是UT斯达康的创新理念。UT斯达康所取得的诸多成绩,如PAS/iPAS无线接入系统、综合宽带接入系统、宽带接入IP DSLAM设备和基于IP的mSwitch软交换系统,均赢得了市场先导的殊荣。这种创新的精神,不仅必须在技术创新上,也表现在管理机制及工作程序上,从而使UT斯达康在激烈的通信市场竞争中脱颖而出。制及工作程序上,从而使UT斯达康在激烈的通信市场竞争中脱颖而出。



The UTStarcom Culture

Found in the United states,with outstanding growth in the recent years in China,UTStarcom is now becoming an international player in the telecommunications arena.Thanks to an integration of diverse cultures,UTStarcom has to its credit a unique concept of corporate values and culture.UTStarcom has gathered a contingent of outstanding employees all over the world,testifying to the success of its culture and of the value at its core.

UTStarcom Core Values

Helping Customers Succeed

"Helping Customers Succeed"is the most essential part of the UTStarcom Culture,or the core of UTStarcom's resolve to develop into a world-class hightech communications company.The company pursues the ultimate objective of offering the best technologies and products to its clients,and implements a win-win-win strategy in the best interest of the user,the operator and UTStarcom itself and to the best benefit of the local economies.Within the company,no effort is spared to encourage cooperation between departments under a win-win policy,meaning that subdivisions are each other's clients while workong in unison for the good of the company.

People Focus and growing with the Company

In this era of a rapid high-tech development,talents are the most vital element in economic growth and market competition.UTStarcom puts talents above everything else,as the most important part of its strategy for development.While striving to do a good job of staff training,it never hesitates to recruit the best-qualified personnel.Meanwhile,it gives full scope to staff initiative and creativeness.To be more precise,staff members are encouraged to tap their own potential under the policy of "providing an area larger than what is required for one to bring into full play one's ability and talent".The management,on its part,is keen to everybody's strong points and never hesitates to award those who excel in job performance.Here is the "secret"of UTStarcom's brilliant success:people focus and growing with the company.

Combining the Best of East and West

The UTStarcom culture features a perfect combination of the Eastern and Western cultures,an integration of the best of the both worlds.This has made it possible for the company to bring its management up to the best international standards while maintaining flesibility and suiting local conditions.While working on their respective posts to the best of their capability,staff members willingly observe the company policy of "creating new talents,technologies,funds and managerial experts".In that we find UTStarcom's culture is unique in its own right.

Innovation and Being First to Market

Constantly striving for innovations is what a company counts on for strength.In UTStarcom,this translates into a policy that calls for "doing things nobody has ever done".Though yong,UTStarcom is already reputed as a leader in telecom market through creative work in developing the SPDH,AN-2000,PAS/iPAS,WACOS/mSwitch and IP systems.This creative spirit manifests itself in each and every part of its work,in technological innovations,as well as in managerial mechanisms and work processes.It is this spirit that has made UTStarcom outstanding amid fierce competitions on the communications market.

Productivity and Efficiency

UTStarcom stress the need for each and every staff member to have clear goals and pay the utmost attention to efficiency.Staff initiative is stressed,suggesting that staff members are encouraged to be bold in taking up responsibilities.The 6Sigma approach is applied to the company's management which ensures quality and efficiency in company operation.

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