  来源:      日期:2004-08-18 14:39



* 2003年1月,UT斯达康全面启动新一代的ERP项目,进一步提升公司的信息系统基础设施和业务流程支持能力。

* 2003年3月,UT斯达康被信息产业部赛迪集团(CCID)评为“2002年通信设备市场年度成长最快企业”。

* 2003年3月,UT斯达康(中国)有限公司荣获海淀区政府评选的”海淀区2002年度突出贡献企业”称号。

* 2003年3月,UT斯达康以1亿美金成功收购3COM旗下Commworks公司的部分资产。

* 2003年4月,UT斯达康荣获2003年“亚洲最佳雇主”及“中国最佳雇主”殊荣。此次评选由全球著名的管理咨询公司Hewitt Associates联合《华尔街日报》和《远东经济评论》共同主办,UT斯达康以其良好的公司文化和员工对于公司文化的深刻理解和认同受到评委的瞩目。

* 2003年4月,美国《财富》杂志将UT斯达康评为“全球25家成长最快的企业“之一。

* 2003年4月,UT斯达康再次被Finance Asia杂志评为中国管理最佳的十大企业之一。

* 2003年5月,UT斯达康联合北京通信共同捐献价值1300万元的小灵通系统设备、终端及相关服务给防治非典定点医院和政府指挥调度部门。小灵通作为绿色环保的通信系统,在防治非典的战役中发挥了重要的作用。

* 2003年5月。UT斯达康在杭州的生产运营中心荣膺“十大突出贡献工业企业”。

* 2003年5月,UT斯达康(中国)有限公司再次获得海淀区国税局颁发的二OO二年度“国税50强”光荣称号。

* 2003年6月,在美国《商业周刊》评选出的‘成长最快企业”中,位列第33。

* 2003年6月,由全球专业服务领域领导者安永集团发起的“年度企业家”评选活动揭晓,UT斯达康公司创始人之一、公司全球总裁兼首席执行官陆弘亮先生赢得年度北加州地区网络通信领域“年度企业家”荣誉。

* 2003年9月,UT斯达康入选信息产业部信息化评测中心选出的”全国信息化500强企业。”

* 2003年10月,美国AOL时代华纳集团出版的《商业2.0》评选出年度全球百名高速成长企业,UT斯达康凭借自成立7年以来销售额成百倍的增长,业务快速稳步的成长和产品、市场的多元化发展入选“2003年度世界高速成长企业”的首位。

UTStarcom in 2003

In january 2003,UTStarcom launched in an all-round way a new generation of the ERP project to further upgrade the company's information system infrastructure and business process supporting capability.

In March 2003,UTStarcom was awarded"The Fastest-growing Enterprise on the Communication Equipment Market for the Year 2002"by CCID under the Ministry of information industry.

In March 2003,UTStarcom (China)Ltd.received the honorable title of "Enterprise with Outstanding Contribution for the Year 2002 in Beijing Haidian District"by the government of Haidian District.

In March 2003,UTStarcom successfully purchased part of the assets of Commworks,a unit of 3COM,for US$100 million.

In April 2003,UTStarcom won the honorable title of "The Best Employer in Asia" and "the Best Employer in China"for 2003.In the election activity sponsored jointly by well-known global management consulting firm Hewitt Associates,The Wall Street Journal and Far Eastern Economic Review,UTStarcom attracted the attention of the appraisers for its sound corporate culture and its employees'profound understanding and recognition of the culture.

In April 2003,Fortune magazine of the United States awarded UTStarcom"one of The 25 Fastest-growing Enterprises in the World."

In April 2003,UTStarcom was elected once again by Finance Asia magazine "one of China's Best 10 Enterprises in terms of management."

In May 2003,UTStarcom ,in a joint action with CNC Beijing,donated PAS system equipment,terminals and related services valued at 13 million yuan to hospitals designated to control SARS as well as relevant government direction and dispatch departments.As an environment-friendly communication system,PAS played an important role in the fight against SARS.

In May 2003,UTStarcom's Hangzhou production operation center was ranked among "The Top 10 industrial Enterprises with Outstanding Contribution".

In May 2003,UTStarcom(China)Ltd.was again ranked among "The Top 50 Taxpayers for the Year 2002"by the Haidian District Office of State Administration of Taxation.

In June 2003,UTStarcom was placed No.33 in the list of"The Fastest-growing Enterprise"by business Weekly of the United States.

In June 2003,the result was announced of the election of "Entrepreneurs of the Year"sponsored by Ernst & Young Group,one of the world's leading professional services providers,with Mr.Hong Lu,one of the founders of UTStarcom and global president and CEO of the company,honored the title of"entrepreneur of the Year"in the field of network communications in North California.

In September 2003,UTStarcom was ranked among "The Top 500 information-led Enterprises in the Country"by the information Appraisal and Test Center under the Ministry of information industry.

In October 2003,UTStarcom,capitalizing on its hundredfold growth in sales revenue since its establishment seven years ago,rapid and steady business growth and diversification of product and market,was ranked first among "The Global 100 Fastest-growing Enterprises for the Year 2003"in Business 2.0 published by the AOL Time Warner Group of the United States.

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