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2014年12月02日 13:47:00 来源:光明网 字号:       转发 打印



  GMW.cn: Thank you very much for doing this interview with Guangming Online. It’s our great honor to have you here. My first question is like this: To promote an interconnected world shared and governed by all, how do you think the United States should take the responsibility?


  McConnell: All countries have the responsibility as President Xi said in his message of congratulation yesterday. So we look forward to finding ways for China and the United States and all other countries connected to the Internet to do their part.


  GMW.cn: So do you think there is any responsibility for the United States and also about China?


  McConnell: That’s a great question. So the United States has the responsibility, because it was the developer of the Internet. And the Internet today is resource for all of humanity. So the United States needs to make it possible for all of humanity to use the Internet. Similarly with China, which is the biggest user of the Internet in the world, it has the responsibility to helping make the Internet turn into a place that everyone can use peacefully.


  GMW.cn: Thank you. The United States used to be the only leader in the Internet, now the leadership transits from one country to a group of countries, what do you think of this?


  McConnell: I welcome this. I think that the Internet is an international resource for the whole planet and for all people on the planet, so it’s appropriate that all countries and all companies who are involved in participate in the governance.


  GMW.cn: So is there any experience for China to draw from the United States?


  McConnell: China has many things to learn the United States and many things to teach the United States. After all, China is a very old civilization and has more experiences about many things than the United States does. So I think the United States can share technology, share culture of innovation, and Chinese can share technology also and experience of how to live in the world.


  GMW.cn: What institutions do you think can promote the collaboration?

  麦康纳:我认为,这次的乌镇峰会为推动互联网合作迈出了一大步。我所在的机构是位于纽约的“East West Institute”,我们致力于推进国际间的合作。现在我们也正在柏林召开国际合作方面的大会,许多中国朋友应该也会到场的。

  McConnell: I think it’s a meeting here in Wuzhen is a big step towards promoting collaboration and cooperation. My own organization is East West Institute in New York works on international cooperation. We are also having a meeting in Berlin and many people from China will be coming to that.

  Bruce W. McConnell, Senior Vice President of East West Institute

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[ 责任编辑:王怡然 ]






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